Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Routine Small Groups

I was recently asked a question about how I set up routine groups for my small group time. I hope you have as much success with this work-plan as I have had throughout the years. This is the longest post yet! Get ready!

Here is what I do. I always take my 1st two weeks of school to teach my work-plan and activities. I start with a poster which gives my routine for the week. It is called Smart Centers Routine. My students know that they always begin with reading, next is workbook skill page, then technology, and last is always activity. They know they must finish the first two before doing their activity. I set up three activities for each week for four groups because one of my groups will be at computers each day. So I only have to come up with three activities. They will rotate through activity #1, #2, #3, and computers throughout the week. Friday is usually exploration time if they have finished or a time where those that are not done need to take this time to finish. 

My activities consist of any skill games I have that match that weeks lesson. I am in the process of working on these to go with each story. So keep your eye out for them this school year. 

While teaching this the first few weeks I always tell the students they cannot talk to me. I know it sounds mean, but I teach them the routine from day one that this is my small group time which means they can only come to me if someone is hurt and bleeding. I do walk around these two weeks and give lots of suggestions about how to handle a question that might arise throughout the year. 

I place two of my students as technology helpers in my room and I make sure they are in different small groups so that one of them is always available to help the students that have a question at the computers. I also make one student at each group the group manager. They are the one you go to if you have a question. 

Each student has a folder that I glue a small pocket (they have the cute decorative pockets now at teacher stores) into so that they can put their work-plan for the week in and keep up with. I only copy 6 sheets of the work-plan for the whole class. I then cut them into bookmarks that fit perfect in those cute pockets and it makes it easier for them to keep up with. It will not get lost with their other papers. Inside the folder I label one side "Not Ready" and one side "Ready." I like for my students to take ownership and when they put it in the Ready side that means they are ready for me to check it. It sounds kinda complicated at first but once they do it those first two weeks. It is very easy to have them take responsibility and the best part is on Friday or any day it is very easy for you to check their folder. 

 Hope you have a Happy Wonders year!


Friday, July 5, 2013

7 Habits/Affirmation Posters

Hope you had a great 4th of July! Did you think we were ever going to post again??? We have been working so hard on getting things ready for the beginning of school. Have you switched back over to school mode too? 

I wanted to share a little something a dear co-worker had a vision for. She came to us with her sketch and we did our best to create her vision. With all the common core "I can..." statements, we are giving our students an academic goal for the end of each lesson. Our system is studying the 7 Habits and our school is working hard to instill this into each of our students. "Everyone Can Be a Leader". My co-worker wanted to incorporate the "I can..." statements into our 7 Habits study. it is! I hope you like it!
Click here if you'd like a set of your own! 

Wouldn’t it be great if we could instill this confidence in all of our students (our own children included)? I think these are great to use even if you aren’t studying the 7 Habits!